
Industrial Eye Candy

What I love the most about Country Roads is all the different looks, the different styles, and the displays that change daily. Personally, I "love" the new industrial look that is becoming so popular right now. That table above, that I believe is an embalming table, if I spelled it right, is my new obsession right now! Actually it is currently at my house, and I'm trying to trade Bryce something for it! Here are some industrial looking things that are currently at Country Roads!

I like when different textures and styles are mixed together. I guess that's because I like variety as well. I keep wondering though, if we add the word "French" in front of industrial, will it be worth more;0) Do something nice today for someone, okay?


  1. Sue, I too really like the industrial look, it's just harder for me to find. Great things in your store, as always!

  2. HI Sue!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment!
    I was totally blown away by your industrial eye candy post!! I love everything in every pic!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I have a friend who would go gaga over the table as well. She was just at an auction at a funeral home and tried to buy two...notice I said tried. They went sky high. The industrial look is so big in Texas right now. I hope it's not over done and ruined. I love it.

  4. I love the industrial look. It fits into my eclectic decorating. My husband says he sees that stuff all day long and is not a huge fan of it. I say if you see it and can, bring it on home. I will use it in a way that he will look at it in a different light and maybe actually like it. So far, no luck:) But you can't blame a girl for tryin'. lol
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  5. Boogieboard CottageMay 20, 2010 at 8:03 AM

    Hi Sue, I live in Huntington Beach and I love your store! (and your blog) Please stop by my blog, I have some pics of Country Roads on it this week! Take care, Mary :O)

  6. i do love this style~
    eye candy, it is!!!!

  7. Bryce has a great eye for the industrial look
    That front room is amazing at the shop.
    I am really obsessed with it to but it is really hard to find out here.
    This is why I hope to load the truck up when I get to the shop :)

  8. Bryce has definitely the industrial touch...nobody does it better!

  9. I'm really loving this look right now and wish I could find more of it around here. Thanks for sharing your wonderful eye candy. You are so lucky to be able to be surrounded by all this beauty. Now if your customers were all this beautiful. LOL


  10. Industrial. . .YES! Ya,French too. HA HA Great stuff in your shop. If I worked there I'd always either be heartbroken or broke or probably both at the same.

  11. I love when you can trade things, and I love that table!!

  12. Okay, I'm drooling! Are you happy?

  13. Wow Bryce sure knows how to give the sugar overload!! He really does an amazing job with this look. Its just rocks the store doesn't it!!! Gosh now I'm even saying the store:) See you soon

    Take care

  14. I'm coming across some very interesting items like this soon - they happen to be French - science items - I wonder if that will mean they will sell for more...will let you know! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  15. Industrial is really hot right now! I love it!


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