
Country Roads Randomness

I don't even know how to put into word how thrilled I am that I don't have to work at the world famous Country Roads today! The public has done a pretty good job of beating us up the past few days. Usually, Monday's are mellow, but I think the "short bus" came to down yesterday. It was not really raining much yesterday, a little mist. As I turn the corner to open the front door of the store, I saw him. And by him, I mean a nut! I'm not being cruel, he is just a nut that never stops talking. I said, "excuse me, I need you to move so I can open the door"! Then he asks, "what time to do you open" as he is standing right in FRONT of the sign that says our hours, but I answer him anyway. Then he wants to come inside "with" me. I told him he needed to wait till I could get the lights turned on. Shortly after that Yesi walks in and all she says to me is, "oh great"! We do know our customers. And the day sort of continued like that with my favorite of the day. She comes in the front door, and isn't even at the counter and shouts, "I have to go to the bathroom", you know how Riley might let me know at home! Before I caught myself, I yelled back, "you need the key". She rounds the corner, and I swear that myself, Yesi, and Bryce all yell at the same time as she passes the key and darts for the bathroom, "YOU NEED THE KEY"!! Watching her try and hang the key back up was a bit of a side show as well. Saw her later over in the last building where we have lotions for sale. She was taking a bit of a bath with the lotion. And not to be disappointed, before she left I had to listen to her rant about "why" we didn't have round table cloths because was I aware that they still make round tables? I don't think I even answered her. So, with all that said, here are a few pictures I took while I was at the happiest place on earth yesterday, "Country Roads"!!

We have so much great stuff at the store right now. And thankfully, we have some really great customers as well. Please know I appreciate you all. I got to see my grandson after work last night. Technology is amazing when you see a 4-D ultra sound of your new grandbaby. I watched him play with his foot and fingers, saw his little face. He looks a lot like Riley. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of "him" (no name yet) up later this week. Have a happy, carefree, crazyless Tuesday!


  1. Still working on that name huh?
    It will come to her. Brooklyns name came right away, his middle name took up until the last week I think. At the baby shower we actually had everyone make suggestions and put them in a hat. Thank god we didn't pull Dodger out, yep that was a suggestion.
    Okay loving the dolls, those ones are right up my alley.
    Oh, Sue, you totally had me laughing about the swim lessons being canceled. TOO FUNNY, yet GROSS!

  2. Sue, you always crack me up with your stories. Maybe you should do a reality tv show, Funniest Shop Stories in Calif. I would watch, I would...

  3. I don't know HOW you get away with some of the things you say! But thank goodness you do. Thanks for the LOL! Still keeping shop. . .

  4. Great pic's of the store Sue. You know I understand how it is to work with the public. I work for the county. A lot of different personalities. It can be hard at times. Have a good day...Julian

  5. I always wonder if your crazy ass customers read your posts? If I was "in your neck of the woods", I would come in acting like a lunatic on Sundays and then read your post to see if I got a good review! Ha! I think I will do that when I come out. Don't tell your staff who I am and let's see if I can make an impression! :)


  6. I think you should position the male mannequin in the restroom so he can greet all your "special" customers.

    New baby sounds like he is hale and hearty. How wonderful!

    Love that old spot light on tripod! Too many great things to choose, but that would be my second choice after mannequin.

  7. Oh, I love the dolls! Very nice goodies.

  8. Too funny. Maybe she won't come back? Dropping by from White Wednesday; Tailored Kitchen.



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