
The Busy Blue Canoe

Tim and Lisa, Blue Canoe, were busy, very busy yesterday doing a make over. And as always, their "make overs" look really great. Here are a few photos of what I'm talking about.

What I "should" have taken pictures of were some of the things that Tim was showing me in his van and trailer. They are getting ready to do the show next week-end up in Washington, and of course I forgot the name. I "think" it might be the one that the Farm Chicks put together. Back to what is headed to Washington. Tim is truly an artist. I first met Tim back in, I think, 1991. I had a small store, Battered Barn, over on S.Glassell. He had come in one day with these amazing birdhouse. The detail was amazing. Yesterday he showed me something he had made. He bought a rusty, front end of a toy truck a flea market awhile back. He made like a camper on the back, very detailed, little doors, burlap awnings. I just looked at him and said, "that is the Tim I remember". There was an eight foot table made from old barn wood and the legs were these huge, chunky corbels. Maybe I can get him to send me some pictures of this stuff from the show when they are set up. Again, it would blow you away. I best get moving, have to head out to "the store". And we all know what day it is! Morgan's birthday party was great. I'll post some pictures later this week. When it was time for her to blow out her candle, let's just say this sums it up, "it's your party and you cry if you want to, cry if you want to, then PUKE!!! Have a great day.


  1. Morgan PUKED? Bless her heart! Bless your heart! Come to think of it, I think I have ended a few birthdays by puking! :)

  2. Poor Morgan, hopefully it was just because she was so excited, I bet the pics are great.
    Hope your BSC day is not so BSC!

  3. Boogieboard CottageMay 30, 2010 at 11:02 AM

    That will be a treasured story lovingly laughed about at family gatherings for years no doubt. I'm sure that the pictures will reveal what a truley fun time was. The Blue canoe booth at your shop is the one in the farthest back corner of your shop, I know this because it's my favorite one from the first time that I visisted. I love the brick and burlap walls and all of the differnet shades of white, beige and brown. Very inspiring! Happy Memorial Day, Mary

  4. Sweet Morgan! Too much cake for such a little body!


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