
When Tim Says He's Been Creative?

Yesterday Tim & Lisa pulled up to Country Roads with their van packed, stuff on top, and Tim said to me, "I've been creative this week, I think I brought too much stuff in". Yes, Tim was quite creative last week. Check out these pictures and you will see what I mean.

And believe me, my photos don't do justice to what has been created in this part of Country Roads by Tim & Lisa. I'll have some more pictures up in a couple of days or so. But, I have to tell you one more thing, when that creative light bulb flicks to "on" in Tim's head, you should check out his hair then!


  1. Very creative man...with the hair to prove it! :) You are lucky to have this couple in your store and they are lucky to have you as a cheerleader and marketing director!

  2. Pictures are good, however seeing it in person is Awe inspiring!

  3. OMG, his hair is his signature mark, right. They do find the best things don't they!

  4. I was there on Friday. LOVED his booth. Just fabulous!


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