
Steppin' Up Our Game!

At the beginning of this year, I told my dealers, who REALLY are my Country Roads family, that we were going to be "Steppin' Up Our Game". What that meant was even though some of us had worked hard before, we were going to do our best to make Country Roads even better. A lot of us jumped on this, myself included. I made the decision to get the name "Country Roads" out there any and every way that I could. And I continue to do that each day now. The pictures on this post are from Eileen's space. Her displays always look fresh and they pop. And now, she too has worked even harder to put together these killer displays. Please remember, these photos were taken with my "ghetto piece of junk" camera! So, in all fairness to Eileen, please know they even look better when you see them in person.

I had to include this really frightening, not just doll head, but an entire doll. I turned around and saw her and thought, "yikes, she really looks pissed off"! Even with all the dolls and their heads rolling around at "the store", I'm very lucky to not only be able to do what I do, but do it with the best group of people ever. Thanks Eileen, your stuff looks great, except for that doll;0}


  1. It's easy to see why y'all do the business you do. Wonderful displays...even the doll!

  2. that is a scary doll....love seeing the different booths...

  3. Y'all have fab garden stuff that never turns up in our neighborhood.How I'd love a browse. Jacqueline

  4. I love the way some people just have a knack for showing things to their best potential. Lovely displays. That doll reminds me of Marlene Dietrich! Please tell me where you are located, for some reason I can't figure that out. I will be driving from Florida to California in about a month and if you are on the way, I'd like to stop in and see all your great treasures!

  5. That doll is worthy of a double-take! Everything looks fab. I really love the pretty feminine parasol.

  6. Even I have to say that doll is a freakshow and I love dolls and their heads but some just go over the awesome to scary line that even I can't love them.
    Hope the window of doll heads are still there, one or two might be coming home with me, talk about a great display!

  7. Lucky you, Sue, you have an endless supply of fabulous-ness! And yeah, she looks a little unhappy. I look that way sometimes if I sleep in my make-up!
    love ya,

  8. Hi Sue, Elieen booth looks great! The doll is to cool! She dose have a good look to her. I know a couple of girls at work I could scare with her.LOL Have a good day. And Thanks for the visit today..Julian

  9. What a great place! ...and that's so funny that you said what you did about that doll. As I was scrolling down your images, I said "Yikes" outloud when I first saw her head at the bottom of a picture! poor thang....

  10. When I clicked on your blog from White Wednesday, I wasn't sure if you were the store in Orange CA then I saw the RH mag and thought it probably was. I always love to visit your store when I'm in your area. I feel a call to visit soon. Thanks for the great post.

  11. That dang doll just scared 10 pounds OUT of me...if you know what I mean! :)


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