
Some "Quickies" From Texas

I only have time for a "quickie" (get your minds out of the gutter, only "my" mind is allowed to go there)post this morning! Katie is not feeling well, so I need to head off to the world famous Country Roads to work. I did want to share some pictures Gloria sent me from the shows while my Country Roads family was shopping and visiting all of you. I LOVE the picture above of Gloria and Tim!! They just look so cute on that little motor bike! One of the reasons is they both operate on a very high frequency level when it comes to shopping! I hope they didn't torture too many of you while they were there! And this too is one of my favorite pictures with Lisa, Cat Daddy, Tim, and Debbie. One of these shows, you are going to see me, yes me in the middle of this happy little group. Below are a few more of the many photos I have to share.

Tim & Lisa are coming in today with some of their "Texas Treasures", can't wait to see them. And for now, since my quickie is done and not all that exciting, I best be heading out to the door to run some errands before I start my day at Country Roads!


  1. Tim looks like he quite the character!

    The bedrooms look beautiful. Is that the store mascot?

  2. Great pic's of the show! We need to make it soon I hope. I bet there are a lot of goodies. Thanks for shareing...

  3. I was there at the same place and see Talking Trash with her name tag.
    Was a great Blog Party too.

  4. What's going on with us today, Sue???
    I also posted about a quickie!!! LOL!!! Hope Katie is fine!

  5. Texas and the fall...and a kitty...and lots of memories! Sorry we both had to miss the Spring show! Thank goodness you were selective with your photos this time! :)


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