
White Wednesday

On this "White Wednesday" I want to share some of the "softer whites, with a bit of pink added, all done by my friend Pat Fillipi! Many of you know her, and to know Pat is to love her! She is a very special lady! Country Roads is a big store, in warehouse type buildings, with all the doors open. So it is very easy for things to get dirty. I am always amazed at how "white" Pat manages to keep her things looking. And I may add, she lovingly ties her price tags on with pink ribbons. I'm glad some of my Texas friends had a chance to meet her at the last show if the Fall. Her are some of Pat's beautiful whites.

So on this "White Wednesday" I wish you all the softness of Spring and wishes for sunshine filled days ahead. And don't forget to go visit my other friend, Kathleen, that so graciously hosts "White Wednesdays" each week!


  1. Somewhere this morning I read about your store on someone else's blog. And then I was here from the White Wednesday list. It just irks the heck out of me to see all these wonderful shops on the other side of the country from me that I can't visit. I am so grateful for blogs so I can at least visit on line. Happy White Wedsnesday. xo

  2. Patty, or Pinky as I like to call her! is the best. Her displays are always amazing!

  3. Very nice post, I like pink as well, I will need to buy a lot of ribbon and rick rack, it does help to dress up the item you are selling, I think it shows a soft spot in those of us that are letting go of these wonderful treasures. XO MARY

  4. I agree with Lynn...wish I lived closer! What a beautiful shop, thank you for sharing!!

  5. I just want to crawl into that bed! Looks so inviting!

  6. Sue,
    Happy White Wednesday to you!!!

    I had a chance to meet Pat and she is a sweetie. Everyone loves Country Roads so much I am just so tickled that I have a place there too. Have a wonderful day!!!


  7. Hi Sue,
    I *heart* the photo on the bed...just love it! I'm gonna have to come up with a reason to travel to southern CA...I can tell.

  8. She has a great space, really love her "pink" touches. And Sue, I had a real He Haw moment laughing at Leonard and your Corona bottle. He may be old, but he's one smart guy! It really made my day!
    You have a great life, my friend!

  9. That bed looks so inviting. It's been fun looking at all your photos and now can visualize where things are at the store.

    Hope you had a good one!



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