
My Old Neighborhood

I had dinner last night with Brande at our neighborhood pizza place, Marri's! It is just around the corner from my house and we could have walked but it was raining. I use to eat at Marri's when I was in high school! Yes, it's been there THAT long. They have great pizza, so-so service, and really, really horrible Italian music playing. My friend Ginny had emailed me asking me a question about how to do something on her blog, which by the way you should go read! I was emailing her an answer and also about the place I had dinner at. Still being amazed that I've eaten there since I was in high school. Actually it was our hang out back in the day! Right next to Marri's is a dry cleaners, Montgomery Cleaners. That was my very first job, I made $1.65 an hour! But back in the day, it was enough to join my friends at Bob's Big Boy for a combo plate. And actually the building Bob's was in is still nearby, but is now a Blockbuster. I hated that job. They did the cleaning on site, and the smell was enough to make anyone gag. God only knows what chemicals they were using way back then! I went to Millikan High School, and as you can guess, that too is just "down the street"! I was in a soriety, Tabu, and that is a soriety picture of me above (not sure why its so big though. I loved high school, but not because of the academics, but because of my friends and hanging out at places like Marri's and Bob's Big Boy! I ate meat back in the day, which I gave up a very long time ago!! Life seemed so simple back then. As many of you know, Katie and her family bought my parents house after they passed away, the house I grew up in, just a short distance from where I live now. Riley has joined us for dinner at Marri's, bad music and all. I love East Long Beach, the part of Long Beach I live in. Cal State University Long Beach is within walking distance. The beach is only a ten minute drive, a nice mixture of people in my neighborhood, and now my grandbabies are growing up in the old LBC too! I like simple, you know, it makes me happy. Here's a link to an article that was in our local paper this morning. Wilson HS was always a big competitor against Millikan's football team, "back in the day". This article is just another example of why I LOVE Long Beach!!


  1. funny - not many people i know can relate to 1.65 an hour. when i started at "gueen theatre" which was right down the street and aroung the corner - on the same city block - that was what i was pulling in. senior year of high school . . . . .

  2. oops, sorry, "around" instead of "aroung" - but you all knew that anyway, right?

    it's only my 1st glass of wine!!!

  3. Not too many people around here have been in the same place all their lives...me, being one of them! You sure are different, Sue!

  4. You haven't changed a bit! You just had that photo made last year, right? I have to tell you how moved I was by that newspaper article! How refreshing that students protested hate with a peaceful demonstration! And administrators were "allowed" to praise their students' behavior! Amazing! Sure ain't Texas!

  5. Ray and I were just at Country Roads last week and the displays at the store were amazing. Tims & Lisa space always looks great. We always miss out on something when we dont buy it when we see it. I glad you liked the flowers. Julian


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