
How We "Choose" Our Days

Do you ever wonder how people "choose" their days. I think sometimes we plan them the day before, and other days we wake up and "choose" what we are going to do! Yesterday I "chose" to go to Disneyland. I thought about it the night before, and questioned myself if I should go or not. I had a lot of work to do for our sale this week-end, but spending the day with my Riley & Morgan was awesome! The weather was beautiful, and actually so warm I got a bit of a sunburn which felt good. At eight months, Morgan was having a great time. I was a bit bummed that Morgan fell asleep through "It's a Small World". That is my favorite ride with kids. I just stared at Riley, as she took in all the magical things a Small World is filled with. It was a great day for me, and a little tiring as well. But I will always have the memories of my "girls", they grow and change so fast! I wouldn't miss that for a minute. Then there are other people, that I guess, wake up and decide they will "choose" to go to Country Roads and do a little bit of shoplifting, to the tune of about $1600! Apparently this woman did a bit of "S & S" as in shopping and stealing at Country Roads. My Boy Bryce, once again, caught a shoplifter! This woman is GOOD! Guess she's been doing this since 1995 according to the Orange PD! Below are pictures of some of the stuff she stole. She stole this bracelet right in front of Bryce has she was looking in a case with him standing next to her!!
She even managed to steal a big metal propeller, although that is when Carol "heard" newspaper! I told you she was GOOD! Look at the size of some of that stuff!! I was touched though that she was into recycling and cared enough to bring her own newspaper to wrap her stolen stuff up in paper! Guess life really is about choice. In my case I chose to go Disneyland, and in the woman above case, she "choose" to go to jail!!


  1. Oh, your precious girls look so happy! That one photo of Morgan is absolutely adorable! Glad you went and had a good time!

    Now, about the shoplifter...at least she had much better tastes than the last shoplifters! Although it doesn't sound like she was the sharpest knife in the drawer! :)

  2. Sue! Both of these stories are great. The first for the pure joy of your kids' faces - your baby is so amazingly cute! The second for the joy of stopping someone like this and my amazement that people do these things and actually get away with them. And to your family, of all people. Boooooo.....

  3. It always amazes me to see the look in the kids faces when they are at the Happiest Place on Earth :)

    On the other hand, it's good she was finally caught!!!

  4. I was surprised to see Bryce at the store instead of Disneyland that day. I guess a higher up had plans for him that day, "to catch a theif". THANK YOU BRYCE & CAROL.


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