
Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom, "Johnnye Merle Durham Moore" would have been 83 years old today! She's been gone now about 4-1/2 years. Died a few days after Riley was born. Pissed me off at first, you know, your first grandbaby is born and then your mom dies, dandy! I quickly realized though that she hung on long enough just to know her first grandchild made it into the world safe and sound!
She was born in Lubbock, Texas to my grandparents, Hobson and Madge Durham. They sadly died before I was born. Never got a chance to know them. My mom and her family eventually moved to Temple, Texas where she went to school and grew up. I always remember the stories she told me about the Depression and what it was like in Texas. She lost her dad at 15 years old. He drank a bit too much, and sadly committed suicide. Her and her mom were very close, as you can see above in the picture. Not too much longer after my mom's dad died, her mom passed away from cancer. And truth me told, I don't think she ever got over that her entire life. She rarely would talk to me or my sister about it. She eventually met my knuckle headed dad, and for him I know it was love at first sight. Actually, after my mom died, he died less than six months later. He couldn't go on without her. She was his purpose in life! That's me with my folks and a couple of years later my sister was born. My mom was always quiet, didn't talk much, read a lot. I made her insane, I know that. I never, ever stopped talking! After Bryce was born, my mom told me if I had anymore kids she was moving back to Texas. I drove my mom crazy as a kid, so you can only imagine what three grandkids, all born not too far from each other, did to her! Just like the stories she told to me about growing up in Texas, she told my kids the same stories. Brande was able to stop in Temple a few years back. Happen to run into a local historian at the library. He told her the address of her grandma's house, and the restaurant where her great-grandma use to work. My mom's been gone a bit over four years now. Before she passed away, poor health and dementia had set in. So, it's nice to remember today, and the happier times of her life and her stories of her Texas roots. Funny thing how I'm blogging out here in So Cal, yet I have become friends with so many bloggers in Texas. Sometimes things "really" do happen for a reason! Happy Birthday Mom, we all love you!!


  1. Today is my Mom's birthday, too, and she is one year older than your mom would have been. I am sorry you don't have her, but I bet she would really love your tribute. I cherish every day I have with mine.
    Coincidentely, I was just about to scan some vintage photos of mine when I saw your post. Happy Birthday to our Mom's!!

  2. I can just imagine the stories your mom told you of Texas. The mattress on the front porch is my fav of all your pictures. Isn't it just awesome to have great memories and stories of her. Shopping in Temple would be fun, there are several shops not too far from there that I've shopped at. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  3. My Mom has been gone 15yrs. I'm pissed off because she left me to raise these 3 girls without her. I talk to her alot and I miss her so much. You have put a lump in my thoat. Happy Birthday to your Mom.

  4. Today is the anniversary of my Mothers death.,she was only 61 years old,she's been gone 9 years..,wow time flies..,but I sure miss her every single day...,no one can replace Mom!..,she was my Best friend..and Yes I am pissed off too..she left me too raise two teenagers all by myself!! Damn her ..I miss her..every single day...God Bless Moms!!!

  5. Happy birthday to your Mom!

    Strange, yesterday would have been my dad's 74th b'day. He passed suddenly in March 2006. I miss my daddy. I am thankful that he was of strong mind and spirit without suffering when he did.

  6. Hey, girlfriend. Just got in from many hours at doctors' offices, but wanted to stop by and comment on your Mom's birthday. Funny how all our roots have come from Lubbock...where my beautiful grandbabies still live. Our connections are amazing, aren't they?

  7. Hello, I just came over from Debbie's
    a Happy Birthday to your MOM. What a sweet daughter you are to keep her in your memories. I live in Northern CA. and have a daughter that lives in TX. I love all of the ladies that blog from there, they are all so friendly. Have a nice weekend. sandi

  8. Happy Birthday to your mom. Both of mine are a great joy in my life, thank you for your comment on my blog. have a great day...


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