
A Busy Tuesday

I'm tired today. Sometimes working at my favorite place in the whole world, Country Roads, takes a lot out of you both physically and mentally. I'm dragging this morning, even though I've got laundry going, and many other things done all before 9am! Riley, my little three year old granddaughter will be here soon. We will have time to play for awhile, then off to the dentist I go to have a tooth pulled late this afternoon! So, sadly, I guess it isn't really a day off. I do however, have some random pictures to share this morning that I took at Country Roads yesterday. We have such a variety of things in the store right now, thought I'd share a few of those things!

While some stores concentrate on limiting their merchandise to a certain style, I have to say that I personally enjoy the diversity of Country Roads. We, meaning myself and my Country Roads family, not only have something for everyone, but we concentrate on display and vignettes and most important, customer service! I think that is what makes the store so much fun to shop in! And as always, thank you, for continuing to shop with us all these years and the really nice comments you leave me on this blog. It truly means a great deal to me!


  1. Good morning Sue,
    Always LoVe when you share pics of one of the "BeSt StOrEs" EvEr .. It's pretty bad, when I KNOW exactly the spots shots are taken .. Does that mean I shop there to much .. I always say, if you can't find something you love here, you really aren't wanting anything .. cuz girlie, you got it all goin' on here !! Adore your store, and all you sweet workers, the tops !! thanks for sharing as always .. Have a happy day, hope you have a nice, gentle dentist :0
    hugs ~tanza~

  2. It all looks beautiful! I love love love the urns.

  3. Dang! There is ANOTHER good looking spotlight in these photos! You know I am coming to haul 'em all off...right?


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