
"Dandelion Wishes & Sunshine Kisses"

The weather here has been absolutely "PERFECT"! So, with the warm sunshine, Riley & I have been enjoying spending time outside. Lately, Riley has been into making "dandelion wishes"! She closes her eyes so very tightly, and pauses while making her wish, then blows on the dandelion. I always wonder what she wishes, but never want to ruin it by asking. It is though, a priceless moment! Riley's shadow has also been fascinating her. And please note, I'm not tiny, but not nearly as huge as my shadow appears! Three years old is a trying age, but a magical age as well. Riley is learning so many new things so rapidly, and there are days I wish the time could slow down a bit, just a little bit, you know? She found some old, not so good, bubbles I had bought her awhile back. Actually, they were the worse bubbles ever, but she didn't give up. No matter how much of the slimy bubble water rolled down her arms, Riley kept blowing and blowing through the sad bubble wand! This was a determined little girl! And finally "success", the bubbles magically began to appear. It takes so little to make kids happy, too bad some of the grown-ups around us can't appreciate that. These time are so precious to me. The time I spend with my little girl, knowing that she will grow all too fast and the day will come when she won't have as much time for her Gramma, are so heartfelt. And because of that, for now, I'm not missing a moment, ever!! And I know our weather won't last, as you can tell by my sad looking flower beds, you can tell it is still winter here in SoCal,and it will return soon. It's nice though to have a few "dandelion wishes & sunshine kisses"! I couldn't ask for more!


  1. Good mornming Sue,
    Very sweet, and yep !! the weather has been delightful, it was our rainbow after the rain .. enjoy each day ..your outlook is awesome ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  2. I guess that's the great thing about being the grandmum, you are wise enough to savor the moments.

  3. What a little sweetie she is! It's so good that you make the time to be with her. It is shaping her life and thinking. She will always have wonderful memories, because you are "available".
    Blessings, Sue

  4. send me warmth and sun please... and Leonard! Jennifer


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!