
White Wednesday

It's the first "White Wednesday" of 2010. A new year, a new decade, and a new beginning. This
"White Wednesday" finds me out in JM Gardens at Country Roads, soaking up the sunshine as I enjoy all of our vintage fountains. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Be sure to stop over and visit Kathleen. She is the hostess of "White Wednesdays" and on her blog you can find a long list of blogs that participate and have some wonderful photos. Make today a good day!


  1. Gorgeous! Can you believe how warm is during the day, Sue? Perfect to be out in the garden!

  2. White + greenery = perfect.

    P.S. Just noticed your best antiques in OC award - congrats!

  3. These fountains are right up my ally ... simply gorgeous, I wish I had a 'few' to scatter about my garden ... hmmm... I'll have to keep my eyes on the look out!


  4. Happy WW! What a lovely thing to do today...love your stuff and love your style.

  5. You are getting me all excited for Spring! Beautiful statuary. Thanks for sharing.

    Take care,


  6. Ooohh happy day to you Sue, You always share the sweetest, coolest, vignettes .. The days have just been gorgeous, in good ole' So. Ca .. is that why we all LiVe here !!
    By the way, got my "vintage table" book today .. I can breathe now .. All your stuff looks soo warm, and homey .. LoVe that left handed pitcher .. very sweet .. what a wonderful keepsake . hoping you are enjoying your day ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  7. Hi Sue,
    I really love the first photo and darling cherub statuary. Beautiful days here in Sunny CA....we are so blessed. I have been out in my garden cleaning up some winter mess and begging for this weather to stay for awhile!
    Hope you had a great sale at Countryroads this past week-end and you're enjoying some time off!

  8. Love bird bath, fountains...they remind me of home, we have a few around the town. Huge ones where people still go get their water. In the old days..they told me because I am not that old..every square in town had a fountain and that was the only place to collect water. Ciao Rita


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!