
What Happens When We Get "Weather"!

This picture was taken yesterday by our local newspaper, the Press Telegram. I've been reading our local newspaper since I was a kid! This is an intersection a few blocks from my house by California State University Long Beach. We've had a bit of rain this week. And here in Southern California we don't really have weather. It gets a little cold, and a little hot and some in between, but no real weather to speak of. Until this week! So what happens when we actually "have" weather? All hell breaks loose, people go a bit cuckoo but make the best of a bad situation as you can see! It rained so hard that Riley was yelling at me to make it stop as she held her ears. Then we got tornado warnings, here, of all places, what the hell? Justine got scared and came in my room with Morgan. A car actually flipped over down in Sunset Beach, a few miles from here with a couple of small boats being flipped over as well. Sadly it just missed flipping over Mr. Wonderful's boat!! Again, isn't this Southern California, we have NO weather! No burgers for lunch at Ruby's that sits on the end of the Seal Beach pier! The waves were too close to the burgers and fries, they closed it down. I think they got over 15 foot surf! The waves FLEW over the big sand berm they build each year down in Seal Beach. Brande lives across the street from here, and thankfully upstairs. They say we have a couple of more days of "real" weather here. Again, damn! I mean, I have to roll up my jeans so they don't get wet, hope my tennis shoes don't get soaked from the water. Maybe I should break out my flip flops since "surf's up"!!


  1. Sounds like it's time to break out the flippers myself! What is going on with all this "real" weather? You know, we are having a "real" winter here in Dallas. I must say...I don't like it one little bit!

  2. WoW !! Sue, Isn't this crazy ?! Yep !! Only in So.. Cali .. Who else would break out their boards ..RiGhT !! Go figure !! My friend lives right there in Seal Beach .. Soo beautiful, BuT everytime it rains more than normal, she is flooded out !! And, can laugh about it .. She is more of a woman than I !! hahaha .. Stay dry girlie, and yes, put on flip flops today :0 Have a happy one ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  3. Can you believe this weather? I'm tempted to tell the kids to not go to school...but then I think, well, it's only water! Between you and I: I HATE THE RAIN!...I'm not complaining, just saying...

  4. I too, HATE, the rain and the cold! That is "why" we all live in crazy SoCal!!

  5. I just wear my flip flops year round...rain, snow, tornadoes, whatever. It has been almost hot here the last three days. I noticed yesterday that the mosquitoes are back out here in swampland!:( I suggest you get your surfboard out and get out in that street..there are cute guys surfing down your street!

  6. Whoa! That is a LOT of water!

    Should you start looking for pairs of animals?

  7. I wish "our" weather was condusive to grabbin' the surfboards!


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