
Want vs Need?

Sometimes I see something and I really wonder what makes me have to have it, why? After all, I don't "need" it, but something inside of me really "wants" it! I know that when I saw the "204" painted on both ends of this tote, that was part of the appeal. That number is the address of my building, Country Roads. I know part of the appeal was the old rusty metal brads that hold this tote together, and the really cool rusty metal pieces on all four ends of the tote. If you are really into "junk" you will know what I mean! Even the interior has a great worn look to it. And the wooden handle has a soft spot on the top of it where its all worn down from all the times its been carried. I'm still not even sure where I'll put it or what I'll use it for. Right now its peacefully sitting on an old vintage childs church pew on top of my fireplace. I'm sure it will find its perfect spot in my home soon. To me, that "want vs need" thing is a big part of this business, and I know I'm not alone when I say that!


  1. very nice basket - i myself am drawn to metal boxes - old tool chests - fishing tackle boxes -

    i perfectly understand the want vs need situation .. i deal with it also ..


  2. Hi sue,
    Ooohhh do I know what you mean about "want vs. need" I Need nothing, BUT, I WANT soo much of what I LoVe, sometimes THINGS just touch our heart and our very soul, Who knows why we LoVe and want the silly things that tickle our hearts, BUT, to me, that's the fun and thrill of collecting !! We treasure hunters' are a different breed .. hahaha .. soo much fun tho .. Have a happy, fun day Sue ~
    hugs ~tanza~xo

  3. I can see why you wanted it..it is wonderful! By the way, did you get that at Country Roads? :)

  4. What a great treasure you found and the numbers...well it was meant to be yours...sadly I understand that want Vs needs thing just a lil too much...hence all the junk err treasures I have amassed at my casa...before I get anymore treasures that I want soo bad...I need to get rid of some to make room for more :) Besos, Rose

    First chance I get, I will have to come in to Country Roads for a visit...looks like such a wonderful place to visit & shop!

  5. I JUST had a conversation with myself on this exact same subject. OUR theory is to gather, enjoy in your own home and then it goes to my shop. It is seasonal so I can take it out to the barn, if it sells to a good home that is great. If not, it is going back to the house for more enjoyment. That is what me and I have decided!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!