
Sunny SoCal!

Our weather here has been so nice the past few days that it is almost embarrassing. Southern California has seen beautiful blue skys, clear mountains in the distance, and the sparkling ocean. Our temps have been in the upper 70's, I love it, even if it is still cool at night. The other day I had posted a picture from our gardens, Johnnye Merle Gardens & Nursery. The gardens are outside, behind Country Roads and owned by my oldest daughter, Brande. She named the nursery after my mom, her Gramma, Johnnye Merle.This is a picture of my mom at a young age. She was born and raised in Texas, and even though she moved to CA, her Texas roots and "pride" was always near and dear to her heart as was gardening! She always told Brande, Katie, and Bryce that her favorite flowers were the Blue Bonnetts because all you had to do was, "throw 'em in the hard Texas soil, stomp 'em in the ground, throw a little water on them and they would grow! She taught me about gardening, and then my kids as well. It was nice that my mom knew about the gardens before she died. She never got to visit but did get to see pictures. I had a picture of the garden on my blog and Maureen reminded me that not everyone has flowers this time of year. So, here's a few more photos below for Maureen and anyone else that is ready for Spring! They aren't the best photos since I took them really fast while working yesterday and only had time for a few because we were so busy.

For more pictures and information about Johnnye Merle Gardens, go visit Brande's blog or click on the picture of my mom on my side bar for the blog. And me, I'm going to enjoy our California sunshine while it lasts!


  1. Every time I see a photo of your Mom, I just can't get over how beautiful she was! She was a real Texas beauty! You and your daughters got good genes!


  2. What a wonderful legacy "gramma" ( who is such a beauty) left for your family, the love and joy of a garden. I visited Brande's site, and you all have really captured a unique concept. I love all the vintage goods as display!!! "Junk" put to it's best use. Really cool!
    Have a wonderful day, Sue!

  3. Your mother is beautiful!

    Thanks for more garden photos. The timing was perfect since we just had an unusually long 48 hour snowstorm! Totally gloomy all weekend long! Thanks Sue!

  4. Your mother is so beautiful. I love all your garden treasures. Hmm... why isn't your garden covered in snow like mine?

  5. Legend has it that all the truly beautiful women come from Texas...your mother sure is proof of that!
    I'm waiting on spring to come on. It's cold here!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!