
Life in 500 Posts

Yesterday afternoon I had been working on paperwork all day and was just burned out! Ever since the beginning of November, I have worked so hard and been so busy it truly has been insane! It was a beautiful late, sunny afternoon here. I grabbed my ipod, my headphones and Sally (my dog) and sat in the California sunshine by my pool. I have to say, it could have been warmer, but it was beautiful out nonetheless. The sun was getting ready to call it a day, as the seagulls started flying back to the beach. Their reflection in the late afternoon sun was so peaceful. It made me miss summer. I've always lived near the beach. The pictures on this post I took in Maui in January of 2006. Brande had given me a great Christmas present, a trip to Maui! One of my favorite places anywhere!Anyway, yesterday afternoon I was listening to Adam Lambert sing "Mad World" on my ipod. That boy CAN sing! I listened to the song several times over and over again thinking about this past year, you know, what we've all been through. I thought a bit about writing 500 posts in a little over a year, and actually it wasn't the writing itself I thought about, but I thought about what I had been through in my own life during those 500 posts. Like so many of us, life this past year or so, sure got our attention. Did I ever think twenty years ago, my life would be like it is today? Nope, not a clue! I don't mean it in a negative way. I'm glad for the good and not so good things I've been through on my journey. You grow from experience. My life is good, I am blessed, and I'm happy and positive. My life is filled with such wonderful people and family that it doesn't matter "what" stuff I go through like everyone does. At the end of the day, when you crawl into bed and think to yourself, "life is good & I'm happy" you know you are okay! For me, the hard part comes when I watch the news, when I read the newspaper, or I watch "life happen". What has caused our world to become so callous when it comes to other people's feelings? What has caused our world to become so violent with no respect for human life? If I was a magician, as corny as this sounds, I would wave a wand over the world and HOPE it would spread peace, love and happiness. A dream, sure it is. But we never give up on our dreams, we need to keep HOPE alive in our hearts because change can happen if you "believe"! Blogs are good for that. They help keep that HOPE alive, they are reminders that there really ARE people that care, people that believe in the good. It is a nice reminder to turn on my computer in the mornings and start my day by visiting all of you. I thank you for this, for helping keep my HOPE alive. This blog has reminded me to keep looking at life daily, because it always has a story to tell! And as John Lennon sang. . .
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will live as ONE!


  1. HI Sue
    You know I have the Romantic Homes issue that features your house... not so common over here in Australia.. and I reread that article and those fabulous images over and over.. the colour and vintage goodness just makes me happy... so... I can tell you, you have helped lift someone's spirit's across the ocean too ...

    have a great weekend.. xx Julie

  2. Beautiful words, thoughts, and songs from the heart !! You encourage and bless others as well Sue everyday !! Keep on keepin' on, and make each day a happy one as always ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  3. Cheers to a year, and a whole life, full of hope and justice....yeah, you can say I'm a dreamer too!

  4. My eyes were already welled up and then you used the John Lennon song. Way to finish me off girl! I'm a dreamer and some would think a naive one. Peace around the world.....now wouldn't that be the biggest dream of all.

    Congrats on 'being' 500! LOL. I, for one, never knew that blogging would be such an important part of my life. I've met the most wonderful people (you included!) and have come to look forward to what life brings to each of my blog friends.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are one dedicated woman and have never skipped one single day of blogging! That is a great accomplishment in itself! Your 500 posts have built you a nice extended family who all love and support you!

  6. Sue, an amazing accomplishment, life and blogging, both! Your beach photos are wonderful! Have a great weekend, friend!

  7. Ah, Sue,
    That was so wonderfully said. Toegether we all can make such a difference for not only us but for our future generations...Thanks for such a lovely post.

  8. To add to Gale's comment...we owe it to future generations!
    Wonderful way to hit 500...you don't look a day over a 100!

  9. I have been reading you for quite some time and this is by far my "favoriteish" post ever! The blogs I find I keep going back to are the ones that have authentic, soulful, passionate people that aren't hesitant to put real life out there & Sue that is exactly what you do. Thank you for your contribution to my daily inspiration and go ahead and wave your magic wand.. if enough of us keep waving more magic will happen!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!