
Why Did I Listen to Her?

I would do ANYTHING for this little girl. Look at that face, how could I not? And for my other little girl, Katie, I would probably do just about anything for her as well, as I did last night. Yesterday was Katie's birthday and she wanted to go to Disneyland because SoCal pass holders get "Disney Dollars" which I think is like $72. When we ended up parking on the top of the four story parking structure, I should have known better, why did I listen to her? After all, it's a week before Christmas and the last day for SoCal pass holders. Katie wanted to have her birthday dinner at the Blue Bayou and then we were off to "It's A Small World". You know, crowds don't bother me and I'm pretty patient, but it was totally crazy over there! Just to get in line, people walking in every direction was enough for me. If it wasn't for Riley, I would have left, but I'm glad I didn't. It was a long wait, and poor Riley was so tired. Look at her little eyes, they tell the story, as my eyes must have looked the same way. But once it was our turn to climb in the boat and celebrate "It's a Small World" decorated for the holidays, everything turns to magic. And there is nothing better than seeing and feeling that magic through the eyes of a child! I had to laugh as we neared the end of the ride. All that "Small World" singing even got to Riley a little bit as she covered her ears. Sometimes, even when you shouldn't listen to "her", the memories you take home with you make it all worthwhile!


  1. I'm so glad you listened to her, Sue. What a better way to spend her B-day that at Disneyland, even if it is ridiculously crowded!!

  2. Yeah, but when you were on the ride...it was just the two of you, right? These are the memories she'll treasure one day! Bless her sweet heart...she does look plumb wore out!

  3. OOhh What a FUN day Sue .. I too, LoVe eating at the bayou, and than Disneyland at Christmas time.. GLORIOUS !! Soo Beautiful, I was just there to drop off my youngest son and friends, and it was INSANE .. OOhhh well, you had a wonderful, Christmas time, and the memories aahh .. the BeSt part !! What a good Momma, and gramma you are ~ xxoo ~tanza~

  4. I remember feeling the same way as the last photo after we went through when we were there at Christmas time. It's been 5 years for us. I thinki another visit is in order, don't you?

    Enjoy your weekend.



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