
We're Almost There!

YES!! we made it! Here it is, December 1st,2009 which means we only have 31 days left of this year!! And I'm sure there are a few of you out there that will raise your hand and say, "yes this year hasn't quite been a picnic in the park"! But even in trying times, and I've had my share as I'm sure everyone else has as well, it's wonderful for me to be able to remember the great things about this year. And there have been many. I have a new grandbaby Morgan, Riley turned three in August, my family is all healthy and have a roof over our heads, wonderful friends, and a great business that I love with great customers, so I'm not complaining. I'm just looking forward to a fresh start, meaning January 1st, 2010, bring it on!!And what else will happen in about 31 days from today? It's time for Country Roads biggest & best sale of the year, "I'd Rather Shop Than Watch Football Sale"! On January 1st, for six hours only, from 10am to 4pm, Country Roads will have a huge, big ass sale! If you have shopped this sale before, you know what I'm talking about, it's awesome. make sure there is gas in the car. . . or saddle up the mule with some extra empty bags. . . it will be a happy, joyous day for all! Help us kick out 09 and bring in a wonderful brand new beginning with 2010!


  1. Wish I could get my big A*# there...what am I talking about...I have no a*#...does big mouths count?

  2. Is the last peek my uncle from Sicily? ah! Love your post, happy, happy....Thank you for making us smile. Ciao Rita

  3. Cute post! Wish I could go to the sale!

  4. Funny pics! Love the last one!!! I may have to go pick up Trash Talk and come on out! I have enough ass for both of us!



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