
We Made It!!

We made it to the last day of the year, to the last day of the decade! That's me and my kids, and we made it through all of "our stuff", kept working side by side at Country Roads, and we haven't killed each other yet! That is a huge deal if you know us well! Like all of you, I've seen things this past year, I never thought I would see. And my heart has taken its share of pain along this journey as much as I've rejoiced and laughed along it as well! The last day of the year, New Year's Eve, I'm never up till midnight, I'm asleep anxious to start a new year with our annual "big ass" sale we have every year at Country Roads. I like working HARD on the first day of the year, that is the way I'm wired. I'm not sure that part of me will ever change! I like to keep busy! Buying a new calendar for my office is always a big deal for me. Yes I am lame, but nonetheless, it is a big deal. I went with the same calendar as last year, "Simplicity". I have to admit, I didn't get the "simplicity" in my life that I so badly wanted this past year, and one of my new year's resolutions this year is to find a bit more "simplicity". I need to put down the iphone, the computer, and lose myself once again in books, writing, and my music. My ipod has taken me to places I've needed to go to to at certain times in my life. Music is very important to me. Last year I promised myself that I would post a blog each and every day no matter what was going on in my life. And guess what, with this post, I DID IT! The reason behind that was to make my head, mind, and brain work together in looking at everyday life and knowing and searching for the stories it tells daily. And in that discovery, I've also gotten to make some wonderful friends along the way. There are so many, but Malisa, Debbie, Debra, Cher, Teresa are just a few that have touched my heart more than they will ever know and I've had such pleasure in getting to know each of them!!! I thank each of you for that. On January 8th, of 2010, I will write my 500th post! I'm still a bit in shock over that one, but in 2010 I will continue to post daily. Just something I need to do!One really important new years resolution I've made is to spend more time with one of my bestfriends, the treadmill. The treadmill and my ipod have taken my body & mind to where I never thought I could go both mentally and physically. Seriously, it is the best medicine for your mind and body along with staying positive and happy! You have got to have those two things in your heart, "positivity & happiness"!! The poor treadmill has sat, untouched in my little room in the garage for awhile now. But not for long since we will spend some time getting reacquainted! Exercise is not only important for our bodies, but our minds as well! Up there near the top of my resolutions is another bestfriend, Country Roads! She has been there for me for over 18 years now and I am determined to never let her down. Our new motto for next year is this, "Country Roads Is Steppin' Up The Game". I have been blessed to have such a great group of talented individuals that work with me to put together a store that is so much more than just a "store"! And I promise them that I will never, ever stop working to raise "the bar" of awesomeness (is that a word) in the new year!And along with never, ever stop working hard at something, I will continue to take care of myself so I can be the best Gramma ever to these two, Riley & Morgan. I don't take the role of "Gramma" lightly. I want to continue to DANCE with my babies. Riley loves it, and before you know it, Morgan is going to be shaking her "booty" along side us! And come July, about the 22nd to be exact, I am going to get to be a Gramma for the third time now! Katie is pregnant, and I have this gut feeling she is having a boy, so I best REALLY get in shape for that one! We all know how much energy I need even now for "My Boy Bryce"! This amazing woman, my "Ruthie" has continued to remind me this past year to continue to believe in "HOPE", never ever give up on that! And I haven't!! As I head into 2010 the word "HOPE" will be traveling those 365 days by my side. And if you keep that alive in your heart, 2010 will take us ALL to places we've never been to before, ever! Happy New Year!!


  1. GREAT photo of you and your kids. Congrats on making it through 2009and keeping up with all of your daily blog posts. I look forward to a Fantastic New Year and I wish the same for you and yours!

  2. Hi, It is so nice to meet you! I am going back to add you to my links! I can tell you right now if I lived in your neck of the woods, I would be a regular visitor to Country Roads.
    I am not a Grandma yet, but when it does happen I will feel the same way. You have a beautiful family! Happy New Year and I look forward to visiting your blog often in 2010!

  3. Bravo, excellent idea

  4. Congratulations on the news of the baby! You're going to be a triple crown winner for sure.
    It has been one of the highlights of my year getting to know you and I intend to make getting to meet you face to face a top priority in the new year.
    P.S. I got the new mag yesterday...Tell Gloria her home is breathtaking. Oh mylanta...over the top luscious! Give 'em all a New Year's kiss from me (including yourself)!

  5. Loved this post, Sue, and the photo of you and the kids. Congrats on the posting everyday! It is time consuming, but yes, it does put us in more mental focus.
    I'm so glad we've had the chance to get to know each other, God blesses us so much "in the everyday"! Hope you have a great sale day. I'd be there if I could!
    Blessings for a wonderful New Year!

  6. What a beautiful post Sue!!!!
    You are right! Exercise is the best!
    Keep hoping and keep loving those beautiful girls!!!
    The best for all of you in the 2010!!!!

  7. You inspire me. Happy New Year to you and your (growing) family!

  8. Here's to 2010 and you coming to Texas on vacation!

  9. Happy New Years to you and yours Sue, What a sweet post, and congratulations on being a Gramma again !! aren't you too young to be a gramma .. hahaha .. that is soo cool ! Blessings and LoVe to you as we enter into the Big 2010 ~
    hugs ~tanza~xo

  10. See girlfriend? EVERYONE wants you to come to Texas for a visit!!! So that is a done deal. Now on to to other things...congrats on the baby (like I didn't know) and YIPPEE on the photo of you and the kids...that is super great!

  11. A new Grand Baby - that's fantastic! Congrats to you all. I've really enjoyed getting to know you too. I so wish I could come out to Cali with Malisa for a visit. Maybe one day it will happen. Happy New Year my sweet friend!


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