
Morgan Time

Morgan and I spent the day together this past Thursday. Usually its not just her and I for that long of a time because someone else is usually home. It was nice to have a day with her. Morgan is just learning to sit up, or I should say has been sitting up, but is mastering the skill of that a bit better. Morgan is pretty easy about the other side of sitting up, as in falling down. Maybe she is just use to it? I love when I call Morgan's name and she just lights up like a Christmas tree. Look at that smile! I'm not a big fan on having my picture taken, but this one was taken when I didn't know it until I saw the flash, thanks Bryce! Babies grow so fast, and I am always grateful that I have little Morgan and Riley in my life daily. I couldn't imagine it any other way.


  1. Oh Sue, she is just precious! It's so much fun to watch her grow... I can't believe she's (almost) sitting up already!

    What did we do before blogs? This is like the best thing since Ice Cream! I just love having a window into my friends lives, and sharing moments like this.

    And we like seeing photos of you too.... you know?

  2. That's a great Kodak moment, Sue. She's a doll!!!!

  3. Ilove her tumping over...that is precious. Girl, you may not like having your photo taken, but you are going to be grateful to Bryce for that one. Y'all are beautiful.
    P.S. Thanks for the smile...mine and Morgan's!

  4. Sooo very sweet Sue ... She is a doll !! That is me every night, I just kinda fall over :):) I don't look as cute as Morgan tho .. too cute ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  5. OH she is adorable. My oldest is named Morgan. I love your blog and am now a follower.


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