
It's Almost Time!

There is nothing more magical this time of year than the sparkle in the eyes of little kids as they eagerly await Christmas day! Actually, that little sparkle in Riley's eyes above is why I didn't get this post up this morning. At three years old, her eyes truly tell the story of this magical time of year. It's Morgan's first Christmas, and at six months she is all about looking at the lights and anything else that is sparkly! Also, Morgan is into anything she can put into her mouth as well! These are my kids Christmas cards this year with their babies pictures on them. Thought I would share them with you as a way of saying "Merry Christmas from MY Family to Yours".

"Christmas, Children, is not a date, it's a state of mind"!
Mary Ellen Chas


  1. Merry Christmas Sue, and to your beautiful family !! Have fun with the sweet babies too .. That's really what makes Christmas sooo FUN !!! The children .. all the memories created !! Merry Merry to all of you ~
    Christmas hugs ~tanza~

  2. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well! Tell me, why can babies be so darn cute without any teeth...but just let us oldsters try to get away with that and everyone starts looking for a banjo!
    Your girls are beautiful and those cards are perfect bliss!

  3. Darling grandbabies, Sue. Love the Christmas cards! You are so blessed! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. How can anyone "out cute" that? Precious...absolutely precious (but that Santa scared me a little!)



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