
White Wednesday

For this "White Wednesday" I took some pictures of something I LOVE, old advertising. The old signs, to me, is a form of folk art. They were all original and most were one of a kinds done for specific businesses. Many of my old signs have that great chippy paint on them. Here are a few of my favorite, and I apologize for the photos. I have a family room with open beam ceilings, and most of my signs are hung up high!

Stop by Stop by and visit Kathleen over on her blog! She has done a great job hosting "White Wednesday". There are also some awesome "White Wednesday" blogs for you to visit as well.


  1. Great signs! I am a huge fan of signs, they are hard to find. They are real treasures. Happy White Wednesday. Ciao Rita Mammabellarte

  2. We share this love too! Great signs and pictures! Happy Wednesday!

  3. Your blog is so beautiful!!!!!! I am still trying to learn how to get mine to look pretty. Did you design it yourself? I love the old signs too. Thank you for stopping by to say hello.

  4. Love old advertising signs! Nice collection.


  5. great signs, have been looking for one for my dining room. jules


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