
Our Friend Maggie

My friend, and a member of my Country Roads family, Maggie has her home featured on the front page of the Home and Garden section of this mornings OC Register newspaper. One of the reasons Maggie's house is featured is because it is on CHOC's Home Tour today.I think some of you may remember the pictures of the playhouse on the blog that Rich, Maggie's husband, had built. Not only are Maggie and Rich extremely talented, especially when designing their home, but they are the nicest people anyone could even have the pleasure to call "friends"! In case you can't tell, Maggie is an artist. I think she best captures "animals" when she paints, as she loves all our furry friends. Living in Orange Park Arces, she has room for many, many four legged friends! Maggie joined my Country Roads family in the first year we opened, 1993. She took a space in the new garden area and sold gigantic toparies, of course they were all in the shape of animals! The one above is "stuffed" in case you were wondering. Not long afterwards, Maggie took a space "inside" the store and has been there ever since. She is a big fan of color and the quirky fun stuff. It kind of matches her personality! Maggie and I have shared many things over the years, and now we get to talk about our grandkids. Makes the circle of life full, I'm sure you know what I mean! Retail is very competitive, but one of the things about Country Roads is that we truly are family in every sense of the word. And I think as our customers have continued to shop with us over all these years, it's not only the great stuff that keeps bringing them back, but that family feeling that is the force behind the business. I hope my link above works so you are able to read the article about Maggie and see the beautiful pictures of her home, which I've borrowed from the OC Register's website to put on my blog. And if you live in the area, I hope you are able to go on the CHOC home tour today. There are some wonderful homes, such as Maggie's, for you to see!
"IF" my link doesn't work above, just copy and past this into your browser. You want to miss the article and slideshow of Maggie and Rich's home!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the sneak peak inside her home. I have only sceene the outside and I usually drool when walking past her house, it is sooo inviting with her areana and her animals. I just want to move right in!!! She is a lucky gal to have such a beautiful home, in such a peaceful setting.


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