
"Move 'Em In, Move "Em Out, Country Roads!

Yesterday, was the fourth day in a row that Country Roads has been slammed. Do I feel blessed? By all means yes and I'm so very grateful for the business. Yesterday we had trucks everywhere. The one above is from Universal and is headed up to the set of the new TV show this Spring, Parenthood. It's based on the old Steve Martin movie in the 1980's. I can't wait, as I loved that movie. I always thought it really showed what it was like to be a family. This truck is headed, I'm guessing down to the docks to have this load of treasures shipped to Japan. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful our Japanese customers are. Always polite, always nice and just a pleasure to work with. They have been some of our best customers since I first opened Country Roads back in January of 1993. The one thing that always makes me feel really good, is to see so many of my Country Roads family working hard for the same goal. They know and understand the importance of quality merchandise, of good displays that "pop", and of course just like the rest of us, they too understand the importance of customer service. Because in the end, when all is said and done, if you don't understand, you don't "get" the meaning of customer service then you are just another "store" lost in the crowd of many others that blend with one another. I have no words to describe what it is like to have a business with so many good and supportive people in it. That is what keeps the name, Country Roads, fresh and brings the trucks back again and again!


  1. Hi Sue, had to catch up with you, glad you've had such a great time with sales at the store, I'd love to come visit someday. What amazes me is the variety that you have. It's wonderful to see your family working together like you do.
    Love your vintage turkeys from a post or two ago. I just did a post that made me think of you. You are such a cat person, let me warn you, it's not for the faint at heart!
    Have a great week

  2. Selling it by the truckloads...I love it. You rock it girl! Y'all keep doing what you're doing 'cause you are sure doing it right!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!