
Happy Thanksgiving!

Brande and Morgan are pictured above being "thankful" that Country Roads is closed on Thanksgiving! We only close three days a year, so we are thankful to have a day off. It's a beautiful, sunny Thanksgiving morning here at my home which is in Long Beach in CA. It's one of those days you really appreciate living here, the weather is just awesome. I'm a little late posting my Thanksgiving post. I've been sitting in my office, listening to music and thinking about Thanksgiving and what it means to me this year. Here are a few of things that I am truly thankful for this beautiful Thanksgiving morning. How could anyone not be thankful for this? Being a part of my two grandbabies lives, Riley & Morgan, is something that I could never put into words. This picture tells it all! My family is something I'm thankful for each and everyday. Even on the days I'm ready to strangle them, which does happen from time to time! This was taken last Thanksgiving down on the beach in Seal Beach. I'm also blessed to have a store such as Country Roads which is so much more than just a business. I am thankful to be able to work with my Country Roads family. They mean the world to me!
I'm so very grateful and thankful to have not just a house, but a "home" to live in. In a time where not everyone has a place to call home, I know how fortunate I am to have a place to call "home". And I never forget that, especially on this Thanksgiving morning. And I'm also very grateful for my friends that are like family to me. You all know who you are and I love each and everyone of you and you hold a very special place in my heart! And extra thanks to Debra over at Common Grounds for her generous way of "paying it forward" by giving to Cheryl & Dan, along with Malaysia, Debbie, Tanza, Jacque, Maureen, Heather and all of those that have sent prayers and good thoughts their way. This is what Thanksgiving is truly about, giving of yourself. With all that said, let's all go out there and try not to kill one of our beloved family members at the dinner table today! Just breathe deep, remember to be thankful that you love them enough not to kill them on Thanksgiving. There are plenty of other days to do that! Happy Thanksgiving!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too Sue ... Sweet pics you shared .. Those babies, don't you just want to eat 'em up .. who needs turkey ?! hahaha .. Sooo Sweet .. It is a gorgeous day today, and we will be sitting on tables poolside, no less .. good food, family, and football games .. Sounds like an awesome day to me !! Probably see you tomorrow, I will be in Orange to have lunch and shop !! yippee !! Enjoy this Thanks giving Day ~~
    hugs ~tanza~xo

  2. Your beautiful post made me laugh and cry! You are so good as portraying the reality of loving families...not always a pretty scene but always unconditional love. I feel very fortunate to be "part of your family"! I feel like I know each kid and their quirks and strengths so well! Maybe next Thanksgiving you can see a big Texas grin amongst all those California smiles! Today at our family meal, I will raise a glass of wine to toast my very special friend! Pop a top for me too!:)


  3. After reading your touching post about Cheryl, I immediately sent up a prayer for them and thanked God for my small blessings. I thank Him every day when I open my computer and see a comment or e-mail to those He has led me to. You and some others have done more than just touch me. You have stole into my heart and are a constant source of strength that I carry like a sword.
    Debra is one of the truest, purest, warmest individuals and I hope one day to get to meet her. She is an inspiration to us all and you are too. Your thought provoking posts always make me stop and think. Thank you so much for allowing me into your life.
    It's a privilege to call you friend.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Sue! I went for a walk this morning and thought about all the things I too am grateful for, as I walked I was aware that I do this almost everyday, so one of the things I was most thankful for today was having a heart that is aware of all the wonderful blessings and gifts in my life not just one day a year but everyday! I enjoy your blog and you so much because you also show how grateful and aware you are of the good things in your life. I hope your day is a wonderful one.~Jacque

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
    You are right,you really have a lot to be thankfull for!
    Glad you had a great day with your family!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!