
Kitty Rescues, Again!

Last Spring, we had two mama cats that had kittens. Each of them at four kittens each. We rescued all but one kitten, and one mama, and I paid to have the other mama cat spayed. That was the least I could do. Bryce was working Tuesday night at the store after we had closed, and look what he found? He thinks they are from the same cat we couldn't catch before because of the way the kittens are marked. They are the cutest things ever! This is Victoria, and she is totally cool. Look what she is holding! Her two new babies that are going home with her. I've always said our customers are the best, and here is proof. We still have two left, and they are just adorable. And if any of your pets were rescued you know, just like I do, that they turn out to be the best ever.
I would like to dedicate this blog post to Mary Striley, pictured above with her son Jake. Every time I've done a post about pet rescues, or looking for a home for some stray animal, Mary would email me with information. She was the best. Sadly, Mary and her son suffered from MS, and her boyfriend was unemployed and they were losing most everything they had. So, back in May, Mary's boyfriend took Mary & Jake's life, and then his own. It is sad that our world and the financial hardships so many endure along with MS brings such a tragic end to someone that truly had a heart of gold, especially for the stray dogs and cats that were homeless. If the link above doesn't work, for more on this tragic story, you can go back and read my 5-08-09 blog post. Every time now and in the future when I'm trying to find a homeless kitty or dog a home, I will remember Mary! She ended each email to me with this quote "Just when the caterpillar thought her world was over. . .she became a butterfly". Thanks Mary for all the help you were with our pet rescues at Country Roads, I will always think of you!Great news, the last two of the our kitties were adopted this morning and went home together!! Laddie and Brendon, who are sister & brother took home these two kitties this morning. You know, I can't say it enough, rescued pets make the most wonderful pets ever. They give back more love than you can ever imagine. And thanks to my great customers for helping us, you truly are the best!!


  1. I remember when you first posted about your friend, Mary. It's just so sad.

    Love the kitties!

  2. I love kitties! I think that is your secret...your antique store is just a cover for your kitty factory! :)


  3. I remember that sad post too. She obviously will never be forgotten.

    Who could resist those kittens?

  4. I wanted to let you know that I love your blog...just found it today! Your grandbabies are so darling! Oh the sweetness of girls! Take care!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!