
Compassion & Respect

I always wonder not only when little kids learn "compassion & respect" but when do they sadly lose it? I love to watch Riley role play with her baby doll, "Baby Riley", as she calls the doll I got her for her birthday. I watch her role play with Baby Riley, the compassion she shows, the love she gives so freely. There are days I wish I could shield her against the big, bad world out there. The same wish I had for my own kids when they were little. I'm in love with her innocence, the compassion & respect she shows to her cousin Morgan and her little friends. I'm happy she doesn't understand the news or the tragedies of everyday life that so many people, including little kids, live with daily. As Riley gets older, I know she will grow-up and begin to understand the social injustices so many live with daily. Sadly, she will see the not so good and the ugly in our world. But with a little "hope" in my heart, maybe as time moves on, some how, some way the world we live in today will learn to have just a bit more compassion & respect for others. As Louie Armstrong wrote, "And I think to myself, wonderful world it is".


  1. Beautiful post! I love the fact that Riley calls her baby doll "Little Riley"!


  2. You know Sue that we can't shield them from everything, unfortunately....we can just give them the tools to live in a not so perfect world.

  3. She may see the not-so-compassion in others as she grows up, but I'm willing to bet the house that she'll never lose hers...not with you for an example to live by! You're the best.

  4. Hi Sue,
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my Blog and I LOVE your store. It was my pleasure to do a post on it. It's my favorite store to visit when I am out that way. Nothing compares...

    I love this post you did. It is so true, everything you wrote and sadly as they grow up we, as adults know what they will face, but I too try and hope for a better world for them to grow up in...
    Have a great weekend and thank you for your well wishes! It means a lot to me,


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!