
White Wednesday

On this "White Wednesday" we are back at my store, Country Roads. What many people that have never had a chance to visit us, might not know, the interior of Country Roads is constructed out of old wood, doors, and other architectural elements. And all of this is put together to make vignettes and facades throughout the store. I love nothing more than the "whites" from old chippy wood and architectural pieces. Here are a few photos to show you what I'm talking about.

I'm in my 17th year of business and there are times I forget how much I love all the vignettes and facades that are made from the old, white chippy wood, all the novelty siding and other architectural elements. Then I look at pictures like these and it reminds me how much in love I truly am! Take some time and go visit Kathleen and wander down the list and see all the great photos that have been posted for "White Wednesday"! Thanks Kathleen, I appreciate your efforts.


  1. I've never left a comment on your blog before, but just had to tell you what an absolutely gorgeous store you have!!! I love how you've used all the old architectural pieces....just stunning! Wish I were closer so I could visit.

  2. The first time we walked in your store, we thought we had died and gone to Junking Heaven!!...the best part is that it keep getting better!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!