
"Pen Pals"

I remember when I was a kid in elementary school, I had a pen pal. It was my next door neighbors niece that lived in Chicago. I remember it was fun to get mail, but that was about all I can remember. That was long before the days of hearing "you've got mail" from the computer. But it made me start thinking how similar blogging is to having a pen pal when I was a kid. Above are some letters I pulled out of this box I have that belonged to my Grandma. It's filled with hankies, letters, and postmarks cut out in a circles and stapled to a hankies.When my dad was a soldier during WWII, my Grandma would write to other women all over the United States that had sons enlisted in different branches of the service. They would send hankies to each other. Sometimes with notes, sometimes not. But these "moms" shared the same concerns about life and were communicating with what were once total strangers, but soon became their friends. It reminds me so much of our blogs and the ties that bind us all together, the common threads we share about life!I participate in "White Wednesdays", a day that a bunch of us share our favorite "white" things that are near and dear to us. Kathleen graciously hosts this each week, and it has really taken off with many of us participating. Yesterday I noticed a post, that Jenny had died unexpectantly way before her time. I think Debra expressed many of our feelings the best when she wrote in her post, "I was just getting to know her". This world of blogging is interesting to me. It encourages me to write each day, it helps me market my business, but it has also brought people into my life that have found a place in my heart that I consider my friends! I guess after I read all the posts yesterday, it reminded me of the box of hankies that belonged to my Grandma that I've saved for years. It's odd how so many years later, the similarities are the same when it comes to friendships. I guess it's important to slow down sometimes and remember those that you look forward to hearing from during our hectic weeks. And for the friends I've made through this blog, I thank you all for that friendship we share.


  1. Beautiful post, Sue. Computers have made it so simple for people to keep in touch, but there is just something special about getting a handwritten letter... I have a friend in England and she takes the time 2 or 3 times a year to send me a letter, can't tell you how much I enjoy them! (we do keep in touch through email though!)

  2. Dear Sue, thank you so much for the kind words and comment. That really blesses me. I just think it's so important to communicate with others. It takes a little time, but it expands and grows us, and we find people in unexpected places that we just could never have known otherwise.
    Have a wonderful, blessed day, and say Hi to the girls and Leonard!

  3. That is just how I feel. I always loved to penpal back in the day and I've always felt blogging was just a reinvention of that! Glad I am your friend!

  4. Thanks for this post! I never knew that about the hankies. I worry about bloggers that I follow when they don't post for a while. I truly feel connected to them in a small way.

  5. It is so funny that I had just today been thinking that blogging is so like having a pen pal. I had one when I was in elem.school as well and mine was from Helsinki Finland. Did not get too many letters but WOW when I did I felt very smart.
    Each day when I get to my store I hurry to catch up on my list of blogs that I follow to see what each is doing. And as you said it is exactly the same feeling as getting those pen pal letters.
    Wonderful post!
    Lois at Callie Magee's Antiques

  6. Sue, this is a wonderful post! Your comparison of pen pals and bloggers is right on the mark. I adore that collection of hankies your grandmother had. I never knew about that special connection between mothers with boys overseas! I am always amazed and proud that you post every single day. Even when my life is not constant, you are always there. I am so proud to be your "bestest" long distance friend!



Your words are always appreciated, thanks!