
Monday Morning Memories

Seems like only yesterday that this was the time of year for "back to school". I always took pictures of my kids throughout their school years on the first day of school. Whether they liked it or not, I had a camera in hand! I think these pictures were taken when Katie was in first grade, Bryce was in his last year of pre-school, and Brande was in third grade!The time goes by so, so fast. I miss my kids being little at this time of year. It was always such a special time for me and them as well, new beginnings. But you know, in a "blink of an eye", Gramma will be taking pictures of Riley and Morgan's first days of school as well!


  1. Girl, they are precious. Where DOES the time go??? Digging those socks. I remember when my oldest melon head had to have all his socks like that...clean up to the, well you know!

  2. How many tatoos did Bryce have then? Ha...just kidding! I know he only had a few. :) They were all so little and sweet. Wasn't it amazing? That isn't Leonard, is it?


  3. No Leonard, but this cat named Casey was just like Leonard. A stray that randomly showed up and lived forever! Leonard, the cat, came into my life right after the ex left in 1998. Pretty good trade!

  4. I remember those first days of school, the camera was always ready!...Now, there is no time, after the outfit selection and the hair straightening there is just enough time to make it to school! LOL!

  5. I always took pictures of my girls too! They always acted like they hated it, but both of them took pictures of themselves on their first day of college!


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