
The San Diego Zoo

Yesterday, to celebrate Riley's 3rd birthday, Brande & I drove down to San Diego to go to the zoo with Riley, Katie & Vinnie. For Riley's birthday, she got a camera, she loves to take pictures!I haven't been to this zoo since my kids were little. I had forgotten what a great place it is. Here, Riley takes a picture with her new camera of the bears while Brande holds her.The zoo had just opened their new elephant exhibit, which was awesome. Riley really enjoyed the elephants.I have ALWAYS loved the petting zoo's, as does Riley. Goats are one of my favorites too!After our day at the zoo, we all went to Old Towne San Diego, I love it there. And they have the best Mexican restaurant. The Mariachi players sang, "Happy Birthday" to Riley as she blew out her three candles on her birthday flan! Riley loves Mariachi players and as Brande said, "she will expect them for every birthday from now on". As we were leaving, the Mariachi guys were playing music to a table of Japanese tourists out on the patio. Vinnie held Riley up on the wall, as she danced and clapped with the music. And in turn, the Japanese tourists were taking pictures of Riley. All and all, I think she had a pretty special day! I know I sure did too.


  1. Behold a baby blogger in training with her pretty little camera!

  2. Sue, it looks like you guys shared the perfect day and Riley had a great B-day. Hope it wasn't too hot!!! Stay cool...r at least try! it's been hot even down here!!!

  3. what a wonderful birthday celebration for a little girl! sounds like grandma had just as much fun . . . . very good.

  4. She is a show stopper already!



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