
Riley's First Trip to the Dentist

Today, myself, Katie & Riley all had an appointment at the dentist office to get our teeth cleaned. Debbie, our hygienist, is a friend, so it made it easier for Riley's first visit, although in the picture above there is just a bit of uncertainty!Riley grabbed on to Mommy's hand for extra security has Debbie put on the little dental bib.Debbie showed Riley everything she was going to do and told her all about it, but I'm not sure Riley was buying it all. "a glove, what is she gonna do with that"!! Riley didn't cry once but still had that look of concern in her eyes as Debbie patiently explained everything to Riley as she did it.Finally, it's all over and time to visit the "Treasure Chest" to pick out two little treasures for being such a good little dental patient. Riley picked out some cool, pink sunglasses, and a very sassy ring! These are the days I'm most grateful for when it comes to being a Gramma. To get to share in all the "firsts" in Riley's little life means the world to me!!


  1. speaking of the dentist, I have an appointment this week, yippee! I remember the "treasure chest" at the dentist office when I was growing up,it is what made the trip worth while!! Good girl Riley.

  2. It's the first time that she is not showing that big smile of hers!!! I'm sure the pink glasses were well received!

  3. i'm with riley. dentist's are spooky. i went this morning. i think IT'S the GLOVE!


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