
Little Vignettes & Displays

I love when my dealers at Country Roads put together little "vignettes". I do that in different places in my own home as well. The one above is filled with stuff from a trip to Maui years ago when the kids were little. Old soda bottles I got over there, a couple of photos of the kids first surfing lessons, and random "stuff". Here is my "Riley Vignette" little cabinet. It has random stuff like an old red straw she clung to the first time she went swimming in my pool, a boomerang Brande brought back for her from Australia, just special little things. Morgan will soon have one as well as I gather little special things!This little cabinet is filled with my own special stuff. A glass full of my parents old watches and watch faces, an old Valentine candy box that Bryce had given me one year when he was a little boy. Just stuff, but stuff that means a whole lot to me!Everything in this little display is held in an old vintage Red Cross case. It's all my parents things, letters, old pictures, lots of my dads stuff from WWII. I really like to group my special things that hold so many memories for me. I guess that's why I love antiques and vintage things so much. At one time, a lot these things were special to someone, and now they are in my home and are very special to me as well!

1 comment:

  1. You have displayed such special memories in very cool cases! I would be in trouble in your house...I would be walking around looking at every thing!



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