
Country Roads Early Days!

I've been trying to organize my pictures the past couple of months. I came across these photos of the store in the early days. We opened January 2nd, 1993. I think these photos were taken in the fall of '93. Above is Katie on the left, and her friend Jessica on the right.Here we have Bryce on the left, and Christopher on the right. We were having an open house on this day and had music, a photo booth where you dress up, and more. Here is another shot of Katie & Jessica posing. I don't have any pictures of Brande doing this, but I'm guessing she "chose" not to participate in the fun! Here's the boys out in the garden, posing with the photo booth girl. I don't think they were having as much fun as Katie & Jessica were!Tim built out the interior of the first building back in the winter of 1992. Here is a picture of an old house where some of the wood and stuff came from.This another picture of the house above that contributed to the "look" of Country Roads. I'm amazed when I look at these pictures of the "early days" and think of "now" and how much has changed with Country Roads, how's its grown, and grown. Honestly, I had NO idea back then that Country Roads would become the store it is today. I very humbled for that reality!


  1. Super photos! You have some sweet memories in that building, don't you? What a legacy to pass on to your children and grandchildren!


  2. Those are great photos! It's always fun to look backwards to see really how far you have moved forward! You have a beautiful family and I love seeing the old house that is part of your shop's interior. Here's to many years of continued success!
    xo Isa

  3. We think that Katie and Bryce should wear those outfits again...how much business could they attract????
    Have a great week end!!

  4. Your web site is looking SO-O-O-O good!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!