
Bloomin Tuesdays

I haven't done a garden post in a couple of weeks. My garden isn't all that exciting right now. I think its just that time of year as we wait for summer to fade away as we eagerly await our Fall flowers. Here are some of my flowers that are still hanging in there!
Still have my hollyhocks, they just keep on bloomin everywhere and look much better than the blurred picture above.The ladybug poppies are started to bloom again.This gladiola just bloomed the other day, kind of caught me by surprise! My sunflowers are doing good, and still blooming all over the garden. I saw these sweet peas come up the other day from out of nowhere, that was another nice surprise.Mostly I've been doing this, which isn't too fun. And note to self, don't do the above in flip flops and shorts as you do pick up several new scratches in your quest to prune! Go visit some great gardens over at Ms.Greenthumb Jean!


  1. You still have some nice color around you...yeah, shorts and flip flops are not the best attire for pruning!

  2. Weeding and pruning don't take a summer break do they? You do still have some lovely blooms happening. LOVE your black-eyed Susan, what great color:)

  3. Flip flops...girl are you crazy? You could twist an ankle in those working in the garden! If you do that, how you gonna junk???

  4. I really enjoyed your site. I am jealous of your Holly Hocks. My grandmother Goldie had them everywhere and in kentucky they just get eaten up... or moldy

  5. Great bloomers! I go out in my beauty shop clothes and they all have stains on the knees! With luck your sweet pea comes back every year. Jean

  6. Love all your plants and flowers today! I love Hollyhocks!
    I grew up in San Pedro, not far from Long Beach!


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