
White Wednesday

For this "White Wednesday" I decided to let you peek in my bathroom. I have lots of chippy, white furniture & architectural pieces throughtout my home, but my bathroom is pretty much the only room in my house that is all white. Above is a crusty, old white chandelier that hangs above my bathtub. The shelf is actually made from a piece of the old Laguna Beach boardwalk that is used throughout Country Roads, my store. I love to have part of my store, which is a part of my life, in my home. And on that shelf are some of my very favorite old white pitchers that I love.This is my old clawfoot bathtub that sits below the shelf in the picture above. Somehow, my son mananged to get this into my bathroom by himself. And he wonders why his back hurts? I got this little piece a few years ago, it too is above my bathtub. It is an old antique paper towel holder and mirror that came from a "mens restroom". Bet it has some stories to tell!! I have lots of architectural elements in my home, but this one is by far, one of my favorites. It is a vintage piece from an old windmill! The rusty iron, and the patina of the white, chippy paint is awesome. It has alot of meaning to me as I bought it from my good friend, Chris Nickoloff who sadly passed away a few years ago. She had such a great eye for the "best of the best"! When you're sick with that "junkin' antique collecting bug" you have your collections everywhere in your home. This vintage medical cabinet in my bathroom hold old medical items along with a collection of vintage razors. This old architectural shelf sits above my pedestal bathroom sink. On it is a collection of old powder tins, along with some old bottles of lotion. Above the shelf sits my old medicine cabinet with a vintage "physician" sign on top. This is kind of a weird picture but above the old ceiling tin mirror is the ceiling in my bathroom. We are a do-it-yourself family, so things aren't always perfect but they work. My son had knocked out a little wall to make the bathroom bigger, so it messed up the ceiling. It took some time, but I started buying old white vintage ceiling tins here and there. I finally had enough for Bryce (my son) to cover the whole bathroom ceiling with them. I love the way it turned out.And lastly, above the toilet is another shelf made from the old boardwalk that holds more of my shaving/razor collection. I love old advertising and one day came across some old vintage razor blade displays from an old store, which are also hanging on the wall. I guess when you've got the "bug" of collecting, you decorate every room, even the bathroom! Please stop by and visit Kathleen over at Faded Charm. She has an awesome blog with many others posting for White Wednesday!!


  1. You have a clawfoot? Lucky girl!!! We do what you mean about the collecting bug, trust us!! But...don't you love it??? We also love the ceiling, priceless!!

  2. Wowzers!! Loving all the shades of white:)

  3. Virginal white...your color! :)


  4. Hello
    Great stuff. Love your whites!
    I had a clawfoot but took it out eventually--traded it for a walkin shower and jacuzzi bathtub. They take up a lot of room - I posted some of my bathroom too. Loved yours.

  5. Hi, I just realized that we're practially neighbors! I go to Country Roads quite often for inspiation! Love your space there!! Fantastic architectural elements in you bathroom. Have a great White Wednesday!
    My Best,

  6. Great bathroom, love all the accessories, but my favorite is your ceiling! The tin tiles are awesome.

  7. I just love your chippy white bathroom. So pretty.


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