
When This Business Is In Your Blood!

This is a common sight in front of my house daily. What is it you may ask? It is my son, Bryce's truck, filled with recent finds from his adventures of "junkin"!! He's got the "junkin bug" bad! I think he was about eight years old when I got into this business, and soon he will be 26! Where did the time go?It's not uncommon for me to wake up in the mornings to go get my morning paper, and find this, what's in the picture above. Some recent treasures that belong to Bryce!
Then as I round the corner on my way to get my newspaper, there is usually some treasure hidden behind my car! Next I glance on the other side of the driveway because I know without looking that there is going to be "more projects" Bryce has acquired from his junkin habit! After I pick up the newspaper, I usually look at my garden and then I notice another treasure hiding in a different part of the driveway! This IS a big part of the business, I know. But I have to confess, it is a part that just drives me crazy and I have to admit, over the past few months Bryce has really gotten it more under control. And I guess on the flip side of it all, I never fully know what to expect when I venture out to get my morning newspaper. There is always an unexpected surprise waiting for courtesy of my boy Bryce!


  1. We hate that part of the business too!!! But what can we do???

  2. An addiction is an addiction! The 12 step program really doesn't work for the junkin' habit. :)


  3. yes, this is the nastiest part of the business. i can vouce for that. each time i go out the door the pile of treasures to be/junk right now/fabulous finds are there. you know, i think they are laughing at me!!!!!


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