
A Weeks Worth of Thoughts

I was just telling my friend, Malisa, that I love books, and really like to read but my brain has difficulty turning off. I'm always thinking, wondering of the "whys" in life as we travel this journey. Why does something so simple as a bunch sunflowers from Trader Joes that I bought this morning make me feel good each time I pass them in my house? I think back on this past week and wonder what I've learned.This little girl reminds me daily of what is important in life, she warms my heart in more ways than I could ever put into words. And just that "smile" makes my days brighter. The other day, I was rushing around the house, as usual, and started to unload the dishwasher. Riley walked up to me and looked into my eyes and said, "Gramma, can I help"? Four simple words that have now become a constant reminder to me to slow down because life passes by so quickly and I don't want to miss the little stuff.And this little girl reminds me daily how fast she is changing, growing and for me to remember I don't want to miss a those little changes. Morgan has just now started smiling, and I'm glad I can enjoy that tiny little smile with the little baby "talking" she now does. And before I know it, she too will be saying, "Gramma, can I help"? Then there are days I find my mind wandering, thinking about all the smaller stuff in life. As I water my garden, I look at my pumpkin vine and wonder will I get pumpkins this year, and if I do, there has to be two so I can carve "Riley" into one, and "Morgan" in the other one. If you gently crave something on pumpkins when they are small, they will grow with the carvings becoming larger. We did that last year on a pumpkin with "Riley" carved into it, and I wondered back then, when Justine found out she was pregnant,what Morgan would look like and how fun it would be to carve her name on a pumpkin. And in a blink of an eye, here I am thinking the same thoughts today with Morgan as a small baby and Riley now almost three years old! I often think about bees, yep you read that right! They are pretty smart bugs. A few months ago, these bees in the picture had started to form a beehive in my rosebush. I contacted these girls who rescue bees. She told me that the bees would probably move in a couple of days to a place where they had a hive a year ago once the queen bee went back to it. And you know what, they did exactly that! I was amazed. But it also made me think, if bees are so smart, why am I always trying to rescue them out of my pool? Wouldn't you think that the word would be out in the bee community, like "don't dip in a swimming pool for a drink", especially since bees appear to be so smart? And lastly what's really been in my thoughts this week is why people die before their time. Last Saturday, a customer, actually my friend Teresa, had come into the store with tears in her eyes to tell me something very sad. You see, there is a small florist and gift shop in Old Towne Orange called Juleps. It's owned by this awesome couple, Kyle & Linda Hodo. A little over a week ago, Kyle was on his motorcycle and had a seizure and died instantly in the accident. They are young, I'm guessing in their late 30's, don't know for sure. Here in Old Towne, we are all small, family owned businesses with the exception of a bank, Starbucks and a Radio Shack. Because we all work our businesses we don't get out to visit much with each other unless we have a meeting of some sort that we are holding in Old Towne. All I can say is Linda and Kyle are/were the most supportive & postive people in Old Towne. I just remember their willingness to always participate, their good energy and support of everything. And I will never, ever forget Kyle's smile. This is the magic of little areas like ours, Old Towne Orange. It is all about family! It reminds me today that this is how our country was founded, by "family businesses", not the big shopping malls. So, as I conclude my "Weeks Worth of Thoughts", I'll probably go sit out by the pool with my ipod, a cold Corona and my dog Sally. And yes, I will be out there with my pool net rescuing bees. Please know Kyle, you and your awesome smile will be missed!


  1. Kyle... so young. Something like that makes you sit back and count your blessings, no one knows when its their time.

  2. Just read a similar story at Pam's (Frippery) blog about a young mother and blogger. It's sad when they are young, but it is the part of life no one likes to think about. We're not here forever, so it's best to make sure the memories we leave are good ones (just like you are doing with your g'babies).

  3. So sorry about your friend, Kyle! There are no guarantees, are there? Every moment is a gift...a lesson I have been reminded of alot this year!

    Riley is precious in that pic! Love your bark cloth beauty shop chair! You would make Trudy (Steel Magnolias) proud!

    In Texas, we swat bees! I keep a fly swatter handy! :)


  4. Hi Sue...
    Just finished catching up on your blog!
    Your grandbabies are absolutely adorable!
    Congrats on baby Morgan...what a sweetie.
    Riley is getting so big too!
    How lucky we are to have such joys in our lives...


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!