
Tim & Lisa, Amazing!

I've been in this "business" for at least 18 years now if not more. I've dealt with so many new dealers over the years, I can't even count them anymore. Today though, I was left speechless and the absolutely amazed at the unbelievable space that Tim & Lisa put together. And this is just their "first" day! I usually have a lot to say, but in this case, I think the pictures say more than I ever could say. And, I didn't even do justice to the pictures I took. Again, I couldn't be happier than to have these two talented people join our Country Roads family!!

So, was I right? I didn't really need to add any words did I? Check back, I promise there will be more photos up very soon, much better than these. And welcome Tim and Lisa, you guys are the best!!


  1. Amazing is right! Beautiful displays of great merchandise. I'll be back for more pictures..... Maggie

  2. All beautiful... oh how I wish I could walk in those doors, and just spend hours taking everything in.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!