
My Riley & Morgan Days

The first thing Riley does every morning she comes to spend the day with me is ask, "where's baby Morgan" because she knows she will get to hold her, hug her and give her kisses!Riley prefers her time alone with Morgan, and often starts to protest when its "picture time".One of Riley's favorites things to do is help Justine with Morgan. Whether its making sure Morgan is covered up, or has the binkie in her little mouth Riley is there to help out!Riley's very, very favorite thing to do is hold Morgan. When she has Morgan in her arms, she gets this little magical smile. Morgan often looks up and just stares at her cousin Riley.I know Riley and Morgan will always be close, they've already bonded. Morgan cries, and Riley worries. I always say this, but I'll say it again, I know in my heart of hearts I've been blessed with the time I bond with my little grandbabies!


  1. Wow! How special are these pictures? You are one lucky woman to have these two precious cuties so close to you! I am amazed that you are so full of energy to handle them both and get all your other business taken care of! Super Gramma!


  2. Yeah girl, how do you get anything done with the two of them? Graycie by herself just wears me out...two? Oh My! They are cute as buttons and if it meant letting the house go to pot or playing with them, I say play with them...you lucky, lucky girl!


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