

I don't think Katie, myself and Riley have been to the "mall" to go shopping since before Christmas. We just don't go very often but needed to pick up a couple of gifts. Riley, however, made out with some new Van's tennis shoes and her Gwen Stephani(can't spell the line of those purses) small purse! I lucked out at Bath & Body, they were having a sale so I got some lotion which I haven't bought in awhile. Riley wasn't the only one that got a brand new pair of Van's tennis shoes. I got Morgan some infant red skater shoes. They are so tiny. I also got lucky and bought a hard case for my iphone. The timing could have been better since yesterday Riley grabbed the phone and threw it down on my cement floor in the family room! I was amazed, neither the phone nor the case broke. My "girls" are still spending time bonding and growing closer and closer each day!
And as I hear most days, little Riley is saying, "Gramma, my tummy is hungreee"! Glad I have the time to spend with "my girls", I'm very grateful for them and our time together.


  1. Her tummy is huge, huh? Is she a vegan too? :) I know she is when she's around you! That shopping photo of Riley is just too too precious! And the new photo of Morgan looks just like her Daddy! You did good on your shopping today. Love that phone case!


  2. If you could see my face (which I'm glad you can't), you would see it all scrunched up going "AWWW!".
    They are precious. I love her little girl stance. Only pretty little girls can get away with that on a runway. We do love our babies don't we?

  3. Too cute! Those tiny Vans are awsome. Morgan looks so much like Bryce. You've got some adorable little angels there. That's what makes the world go round.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!