
Random Thoughts on Birthdays

It's my birthday today, and I know some people don't like birthdays, but I do. They are kind of reflective for me, like New Year's Eve. I always think about the year before, what my birthday and life were like to where I am today. And for me, I'm happy, content, and feel really grateful for my family and friends that are part of my life today. I know I am extremely wealthy when it comes to family and friends, I have the best. The picture above was taken 20 years ago of me and Brande on my birthday. I look at the picture, and I'm amazed at how fast the time passes. It also makes me realize how important each and every day is, and to get the most out of them, appreciate the sunshine and the simple things in life like hugs from Riley, or the first smile on Morgan's little face. Those gifts are priceless, and I cherish them. I got my first "happy birthday" wish at midnight per email from my buddy Malisa. She is in Texas so it was midnight there, which meant it was my birthday. Pretty thoughtful of her and I was really touched by her gesture. Bryce,Justine & Morgan gave me my first gift of the day above. It's now hanging in my office, already accessorized with a picture of Bryce and my two babies with him. So, another year older, and another year wiser, which I'm appreciative of, and lastly, another year being grateful for the life I have.


  1. Happy, happy Birthday, Sue! Hope this year is filled with positive thoughts, health and family memories.
    Enjoy every minute of it!!
    Clara & Marcela

  2. Happy Birthday Sue!! Sending you big love from the Peach State! Have a beautiful, wonderful weekend.


  3. Well Happy Birthday to you. Feel free to make the whole month your birthday month. I always do!
    May this coming year be filled with more happiness that you ever thought possible!

  4. A big, big, BIG happy Birthday to ya girlfriend! Hope you had a wonderful day filled with family and friends and grandbabies! You certainly have got some cuteies! You are blessed and highly favored of the Lord...and don't you forget it! I know your year will be filled with many wonderful things! Thanks for taking the time to leave me sweet comments! Yeah...I'm really digging this grandbaby thing!

  5. What a wonderful photo! Girl, you haven't changed a bit!



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