
"My Guilt Runeth Over"

For those of you that know Ginny DeRosa, you have to know what awesome primitive antiques she has. This girl comes up with things I haven't seen in years. One being, this unbelievable cupboard above! It was love at first sight for me. I would visit it, admire its white chippy paint, open and close the bins below, and just dream of how it would look in my house. I haven't "invested" in a piece like this in a very long time.I must have looked at this cupboard each time I was at the store for the past two months, just trying to justify a reason in my mind, why it needed to be in my house. Then one day the light bulb went on! With the arrival of Baby Morgan in my home, Riley's little playroom was given up. I mean, I had to have a place to store her toys and what better place than in the deep bins of this great cupboard. Next was, how do I justify spending the money I don't really have. Ginny, being the wonderful, generous person she is, gave me a great discount (she knew she could come visit the cupboard at my house any day) and let me make monthly payments to her. What a great person, don't you think. So, as I take my time filling up this great cupboard with collections around my home, framing some pictures to add to the shelves,there isn't a day that goes by that I don't smile as I walk by this cupboard, even if "my guilt runeth over"!!


  1. Oh, Sue, that cupboard is wonderful! I can only imagine what a bitch it was to move! Well worth the effort though! Bravo!


  2. Good for you. Old primitives are so hard to find. You know you would have been haunted forever if someone else would have bought it.


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