
Morgan Almost a Month Old!

It's hard to believe our new little baby is going to be a month old on Friday. The time goes by so quickly. I love being able to see her everyday, and watch how fast she changes, her different expressions, all the "firsts" in her life. That's how it was with Riley since I live so close to her. I remember that first year all the milestones, all the changes. I wouldn't trade those days, or these days now for anything. I like when Morgan is just "chillin". You can see her little blue eyes looking around and I always wonder what she is thinking? When Morgan gets this real serious look on her face, she looks so much like Bryce when he is irratated about one thing or another. I can't believe in a few days Baby Morgan, as Riley calls her, will be a month old. Before we know it, Morgan will be up running around and making chaos with her cousin Riley! Gramma's girls!!


  1. Precious, precious baby girl! I love that mute button! Does it work? I need one for Tango!


  2. Morgan, is bright little beauty! Sandi

  3. One month old already???? Oh mY!!! Time flies when you are having fun!!!

  4. She is just gorgous! Time is flying fast for us grammies! I got to keep Miss Bella overnight last Friday....so much fun but she thought she was supposed to stay up all night...her first sleepover I guess that's what girls do! I know you are having a ball with that sweet baby girl and Riley too!


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