
The Clocks Are Ticking

All the clocks are ticking as it gets within minutes, to hours, to a few days before my new little granddaughter, Morgan, will join my family. It seems like it was only yesterday when Justine told me that she was pregnant. And now, here we are on "baby watch". It brings back memories of Riley's birth, those moments and seconds I will never forget. I am so grateful for Riley, and then to be blessed again with another grandbaby is more than I could ever ask for. As the clocks tick away, keep checking back to meet my brand new granddaughter, Morgan Clover Jackson!


  1. What a darlin' name...Morgan Clover! Let us know. Like you won't be shouting from the rooftops!

    The Texas Woman

  2. Oh how exciting. I'll be watching for pics of the new baby!!

  3. Morgan Clover Jackson...she sounds so Southern! A little Southern belle!


  4. I just imagine we'll hear the shouts of joy all the way here to Texas! But just in case we don't...keep us posted.


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