
"Bloomin' Tuesdays"

For the past few weeks, I had only one large sunflower from my plant. Now, it has exploded with sunflowers everywhere!My "Ladybug Poppy" bloomed this week. Looks just like a little ladybug, doesn't it?I just planted this, "Ecomus"(pineapple flower) last week. I got it at JM Gardens, a plus having your daughter own a nursery. It's not a pineapple plant, but the flower does look like a pineapple!I just planted these pumpkin seeds a couple of weeks ago and they are already coming up. I wish I had a bigger garden so I could dedicate an area to pumpkins and watch them grow like crazy!I hate this cement part of my driveway that borders my neighbors ugly chain link fence. My son brought home this planter he found for me. I'm thinking of making a vegetable garden out of it. Then add some more garden "stuff" to the ugly cement/chain link fence area. After all, isn't blank space just waiting to be planted & bloom? Thanks for stopping by. Stop by and visit Ms.Green Thumb Jean, she has some great gardens to share with you!


  1. Love the sunflowers!! What a great container you son brought home!! You lucky duck...

  2. I LOVE that planter. Bryce rocks! Love those red sunflowers too.

  3. I'll try to plant (without killing :(...some pumpkin this year...Wish me luck!

  4. I love the color of your sunflowers!!! How about planting purple hyacinth bean in planters all along the fence line. They'll cover it up in no time and the flowers are fantastic not to mention the beans.

  5. Sue, the flowers are beautiful. I love the sunflower! Can't wait to see the pineapple flower in bloom. A garden by the fence is a great idea. I'm with you...a blank space is just a garden waiting to happen! ~~Rhonda

  6. Hi!
    Beautiful Blooms! I really like that planter your son brought home. That would hold soooo many new plants! Have a great day!


  7. I love the red sunflowers! What a perfect planter. Sure makes the fence look better. Can't wait to see it done. I'll be posting some unique vegetable plantings later this week. Jean

  8. The red sunflower is just gorgeous, and you took a wonderful photo.


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