
Why I Love Ruthie!!

Today a package came in the mail addressed to "Morgan Jackson", and on the bottom it had written on it, "open ASAP". It was from my friend Ruthie who is now stuck in Florida. She is like a mom to me, and a Gramma to my kids, we all love her. Ruthie sent Morgan a sassy little bathing suit with some poolside sandals. Sorry the photo above is blurry because it "was" a cute moment with Riley and Justine! Enclosed with the wonderful gift was a handwritten card from Ruthie. Riley was doing her best to read the card. Ruthie has a way with words, as you will see below! When you read Ruthie's clever, heartfelt words, don't you miss her too? On a personal note, I am absolutely taking sides as to "why" my friend is now living in Florida, you know what I mean Susan!! Sometimes things in life happen that are just wrong! Enough said. We are having the baby shower at my house in a little less than two weeks now. It won't be the same without Ruthie! Riley is trying to explain to Morgan about the great gift that came today for her. Not sure Morgan quite understood, nor did Riley. But it was still special moment for Riley and her soon to be cousin!


  1. Oh, how sweet! I know how much you miss Ruthie! I know you will never give up trying to get her back! The announcement is too too cute! You know what the cutest thing is? Riley with her precious little hand on Justine's tummy! What a special special moment!


    I know the results of American Idol , but I will be quiet for 2 more hours!

  2. off-topic and late = sorry. lol. yesss, i know what you mean about doggie day camp and the ppl who hate being in there! not that i am defending anyone, but sometimes we are in camp from 9-5 with the dogs and we get kinda..bored. LOL. i wish we could sit and play with the dogs or get on our knees because we are only allowed to bend over and kneel to play with them, which means a hurt knee and back haha. i have fun with the dogs when the managers aren't there because i have more freedom to play with them the way i would like to! otherwise it just hurts. :( and sometimes we are left in there for 3 hours straight, no break. other than those 2 downers, i love playing with the dogs in camp! and i get payed for it! :D oh, another downer is when i get bitten. haha. i have a bad scar from a bite in november and right now i am wearing a wrist brace. the dog bit between the bones in my wrist and hit nerves and tendons. bleh. aside from that, it's a good day. haha :)

  3. Hi Sue, have no idea about the price of the mantle, but it is cool though isn't it.

  4. Oh Sue, it's hard to have a friend living far away...mine is all the way in Argentina!!!


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