
Riley's Swim Lessons

I think Riley was about 15 months old when she began swim lessons. I have a pool, so I really wanted her to not only be water safe, but to know how to swim. For a little over a year now, Riley has been taking swimming lessons at a little private swim school in Seal Beach. It's "one on one" instruction, so she learns a lot during the 15 minute lessons. I use to hate to go because she would scream and cry. Now, we have a whole new Riley, that swims like a little champ! Here are some photos I took of her at her last lesson. . . "I got my goggles on, I'm ready to go"

"I'm ready to jump, 1-2-3. . here I go"

"wow, I kicked ALL the way over here"

"okay, what's next, I'm ready"

"hi Aunt Brande, when did you get here"

"all done for today, I had fun"

After swim we all walked over to El Burrito for an early dinner. Its good, cheap, Mexican food that sits across the street from the Seal Beach pier. Can't beat the view!

"I'm gonna get you Gramma"


To participate: contact Deborah at cashgirl_56@yahoo.com


  1. Look at that girl go! She will be swimming around in your pool before you know it! I am so glad for you that it is no longer a stressful time for you to watch her swimming lessons! Riley is growing up...she will be wearing a bikini and hitting the beach soon!

  2. Hi!
    She's beautiful!! And she looks like she's enjoying her swim lessons! Have a great day!!


  3. Wow! Look at her swimming like a pro. She's adorable!

  4. Sue, your Riley photos tell the sweetest story. She is so adorable.
    Children so need to know how to swim.
    Love your family photo post today.


  5. I love to watch little ones swimming around the pool. They are so cute, kicking their little feet and motoring around.


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