
My Mom

Above is my mom in elementary school. With Mother's Day just a couple of days away, I thought I'd share some photos of my mom. She was born in Temple, Texas in 1928 and passed away a few days after her first great-grandchild Riley was born in 2006. She just hung on long enough to know the baby arrived in this world safe and sound before she let go. So, this is my tribute to my mom, "Johnnye Merle" "standing by her folks car"
"with her mom, Madge Durham" "what a cute, young lady she was" "on her wedding day with the love of her life" "me and my dad with her" "she's lovin my dad at Christmas" "she's showing Brande on Dec.17th,1981,her new baby sister, Katie Noel"
My mom, she was one special lady. There are times I really miss her, like now. Her second great-granddaughter is due in three weeks. I know she'll be watching over Morgan like she does Riley. Happy Mother's Day mom, we all miss you!!

To participate: contact Deborah at cashgirl_56@yahoo.com


  1. Girl, your mom was SO beautiful! So many of you in your family inherited many of her lovely features. I see her in you, your kids and Riley! I think you need to start a family tradition of taking a picture on the family car at the age you and your mom were when you had your pictures made on your cars. You need to frame that pic of your mom by her family car and hang it by the CUTE pic of you sitting on your family car. In a couple of years, take Riley's pic and hang it to, etc. That would be so cute!


  2. Wow! Your mom was Gorgeous! She really could have been in the movies! Those sure are some wonderful pictures that you have of her and the one with both your parents is a real Treasure also!

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Friday's Favorite Foto

  3. Cute? Hardly! Your mother was beautiful. A lovely post.

  4. You Mom was a very pretty lady. And such a sweet tribute to her. Mom's are so special.
    Thanks for your comment. My Sis is a special Lady also.

  5. Your mom wasn't a "cute young lady" she was a DROP DEAD GORGEOUS CHICK!!!!!! Wow.

  6. Your parents made such a handsome couple! My in-laws lived in Temple for a while. They are originally from the very little town of Marlin, TX which is about 30 miles SE of Waco.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  7. Your mom was beautiful and little Riley takes after her. I loved your photos as your mom grew up. A beautiful tribute to your mom. I truly miss my mom too.

    Happy Mother's Day


  8. WOW...your mom was beautiful....and you have honored her with a lovely tribute...


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!